Saturday, March 12, 2016

More Firsts - March 12th, 2016

This morning when I came to see you, I walked in and the nurse said to get started on your care (I love when they do that). She asked me if I wanted to do some kangaroo care and of course I did! I held you for about 2 hours. You had 5 episodes while cuddling, and 14 episodes over night. They said they would continue to watch you.
I did not go to the 3 pm care, as I took up mom-mom on her offer to get my hair done. Sometimes it is good to get a little break.
I got a letter in the mail today from the Department of Health stating that you could possibly have a condition called Congenital Hypothyroidism. The paper stated that the NICU received a copy of the results and no one has said anything to us about it. I asked tonight and they said that since this letter, they had tested you again and the doctor said she will call tomorrow to see if she can get the results and if not, she will make sure they get the results on Monday. The nurse said that if it comes back positive again, they will most likely do more lab work on your thyroid.
When we came for your care at 9 pm, your curtain was closed and there was a sign that said "Do not enter, sterile procedure" so of course not knowing what was going on I immediately got nervous. We went to sit in the Ronald McDonald room and the nurses knew right were to find us when they had finished. They said that they had to redress your PICC line. Apparently the redressing yesterday wasn't good enough, or maybe they have to redress it every day. Not sure.
When we came back in, I did your care. You are still taking 5 ml of mommy's milk, and if you are still doing well with it, your feedings will increase tomorrow. The nurse asked if I have been able to give you a bath yet, and I said no but I would love to do it! So I gave you a bath for the first time. The little things make me so happy. Changing your diaper, taking your temperature, doing colostrum care, kangaroo care, and now bathing you - are the only things that I can do right now to help you and make you feel more comfortable. I wish I could do more. While bathing you, you decided it would be funny to pee on me!  I am sure that will not be the only time!
The nurse was very comforting tonight. After asking her about the Congenital Hypothyroidism, she said to try not to worry about it until the results come in. She told me to go home, have a glass of wine, kick my feet up, and to relax. She said that usually there are a ton of ups and downs right now, but eventually you will start to get better and we will have a lot more of the up days. It is so nice to have the staff sit there and comfort you when they realize that you are having a tough time with the news that you keep receiving.
Your head was measuring a tiny bit larger than yesterday, so she said she would notif the doctor when they did rounds. Not sure what that means, but once I find out, I will update everyone.
I think that is all for today. You need to breathe Mason! No more episodes please!! We love you buddy!

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